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      Indonesian digital/ecommerce IP enforcement

      Published on 26 Feb 2020 | 1 minute read

      US entertainment industry groups remain unhappy with Indonesia's progress on IP enforcement. One major complaint is weak online enforcement. Recently Indonesia stepped up its site blocking of pirate websites – see here.  However until now domain hopping meant many sites reopened with new domains soon after.  The Ministry of Communications, KOMINFO now led by a new Minister since November, runs the national site blocking system covering a range of negative content and seems keen to improve its blocking of IP violations. 

      The International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA), makes an annual submission to the US Trade Representative each year. IIPA represents the movie, publishing, games and music industries.  IIPA is taking the position that the US should suspend Indonesia’s GSP trade benefits unless there is an enforcement improvement.  There is no doubt Indonesia has taken some steps. But more is needed.  On site blocking specifically they are asking for a more efficient system to block sites and prevent them hopping. A second problem is illegal camcording in movie theatres, so is live streaming piracy.  Piracy apps and set-top boxes deliver pirated content – this needs a program to take action against the sellers. IIPA asserts that in 2019 progress stalled or even regressed. 

      There are multiple regulations and laws relating to IP violation online, and coordination across multiple ministries is needed to bring clarity and coordinated action. A UK Embassy seminar this week sought to bring all stakeholders together (IP Owners, ISPs, industry associations and 5 relevant government Ministries all attended).

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