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      Rouse attending the INTA Annual & Leadership Meetings 2020

      Published on 23 Sep 2020 | 1 minute read

      While you can't get to meet our attendees face-to-face this year, you can still arrange meetings screen-to-screen via INTA Connect or hear them speak at different events during the Leadership and Annual Meeting programmes.

      Friday 13 November

      12.30pm-2pm or 1.45pm-3.15pm

      Rachel Tan is moderating a Leadership Boot Camp on Diversity & Inclusion. You have 2 opportunities to take part.

      Tuesday 17 November

      3:00 pm to 4:00pm (GMT +8)

      Amanda Yang is speaking on a panel discussing "The Impact of the Amended China Trademark Law and Suggestions on Further Improvement" an officer from the China Trademark Office and an in-house Counsel from a Chinese company.

      Wednesday 18 November


      Jeremy Newman is co-chairing the 2020 Anticounterfeiting Workshop: Combating Online Counterfeiting Together for the EU & US.

      7:00pm – 9:30pm (GMT +8)

      Hatty Cui is a speaker on the Bad Faith Workshop: From Defenses to Damages, specifically discussing bad-faith and damage awards in trade mark infringements. The workshop will be conducted in Mandarin.

      Thursday 19 November

      3.30pm-6.45pm (GMT +8)

      Jeremy Newman is co-chairing the 2020 Anticounterfeiting Workshop: Combating Online Counterfeiting Together for Asia.

      30% Complete
      Rouse Editor
      +44 20 7536 4100


      Rouse Editor
      +44 20 7536 4100